Thursday 3 May 2012

| Be happy. Stay happy. |

It's been almost a year since my last post. I have no idea that I'll get back to writing this blog. Blogging is definitely not my interest.

Well, the urge to write comes back after I read a blog of my friend. I kinda feel the need to express my feelings but then I know that I can never have the courage to speak my heart out. The only option left is writing. To write out my feelings.

I've gone through many things since my last post. Nevertheless, my life remains as it is. Complicated. Nay, it is not that complicated. It is just that I am the one who complicate it. What's life without obstacle, right? LOL

So, I decided to let go. Let go of whatever happened in my past. I'm not changing to a new book. I'm just moving on to the next chapter. The chapter where I hope everything will go smooth and fine up to the end. I'm gonna pray hard and cross my fingers for that. Whatever happened in the past is the best damn lesson ever that I'll always keep in my heart.

The semester is going to its end. Busy schedule, busy life but I'm looking forward to it. Every cloud has a silver lining. Mine just gonna get better and better in time. Enough said.

"Allah kadang-kadang menjauhkan seseorang itu daripada hidup kita atas sebab untuk melindungi kita. Jadi, berhenti mengejarnya."

I'm strong enough to stand up and start running again. All by myself. :)


  1. meaning?? wah2... dah rajin update blog. hehe kata lupa password. kbai

  2. hahaha. aku punya la ssh pyh try semua password y logik aku guna semata mata nk post entry. LOL
